Cristian Mateo Loaiza Alfonso

Hareketlilik Direktörü, Manizales Belediyesi

Expert in road infrastructure, transportation, mobility, road safety, transit, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), management, formulation and supervision of projects, with high level of leadership, technical and professional skills, teamwork attitude, discipline, ethics and responsibility, in addition to extensive experience in dissemination of information, conciliation with unions and stakelholders, crisis management and negotiation to move forward the goals set.

I have held positions as Secretary of Mobility of Manizales, Advisor in ITS of the Ministry of Transportation, Advisor in formulation, management and supervision of projects in the National Institute of Roads (INVIAS), Member of five (5) boards and steering committees of public entities, University Professor, Advisor in projects of Municipalities of Caldas, engineer in charge of works carried out by private entities, among others.