Ayda Eraydın
Prof., City and Regional Planning, Middle East Technical University
Ayda Eraydın is Professor Emeritus in the City and Regional Planning Department at Middle East Technical University, Turkey. Her writing and teaching focus on the theoretical, conceptual and methodological dimensions of regional questions and urban and regional planning. She has initiated, coordinated and been involved in several large-scale national and international research projects on various urban and regional issues since 1986. She has published on various aspects of urban and regional development, including the socio-spatial implications of economic restructuring on urban areas; growth/shrinkage, resilience thinking in urban planning and recently on governing urban diversity. Some of her books are; “Politics and Conflict in Governance and Planning” (2019) (Routledge: London and New York) (co-editor Klaus Frey), “Resilience Thinking in Urban Planning” (2013) (co-editor Tuna Taşan-Kok). She has published several articles and book chapters, some of the recent ones are, “Emerging policy responses in shrinking cities: Shifting policy agendas to align with growth machine politics” (2021) Environment and Planning A, 53(5),1096-1114 (co-author Güldem Özatağan), “Pathways to a resilient future: A review of policy agendas and governance practices in shrinking cities”, Cities, (August 2021) 115, 103226; “Explaining regional differences in firm formation rates: how far are government policies important for entrepreneurship?” (2020) Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies (co-author Ismail Demirdağ), 13(6); Instituting Resilience in the Making of the Istanbul Metropolis (2018) In: The Routledge Handbook of Institutions and Planning in Action (Ed. W. Salet) pp. 347-363, Routledge: New York (co-author Tuna Taşan-Kok).