Vítor Oliveira
Dr., Principal Researcher, University of Porto & President, ISUF and PNUM
Vítor Oliveira is the President of the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF) and the President of the Portuguese-Language Network of Urban Morphology (PNUM). He is Principal Researcher at the Research Centre for Territory Transports and Environment (CITTA / FEUP) and 'Professor Auxiliar' of Urban Morphology and Urban Planning at ULP. He is architect (FAUP), has a MSc in Planning and Design of the Built Environment (FAUP/FEUP), and a PhD in Planning / Civil Engineering (FEUP). He is Associate Editor of 'Urban Morphology', Advisory Editor of 'The Urban Book Series' (Springer) and Fouding Editor of the 'Revista de Morfologia Urbana' (2013-18). His research areas are urban morphology, urban planning, architecture, and cities. In these research areas, he has authored more than 200 publications and communications, including about 40 papers in international peer-reviewed journals listed in Scopus or ISI. He has been working in different research projects supported by national and international founding, and he has been part of several scientific and organizing committees of international conferences. In 2016 he has published 'Urban Morphology. An Introduction to the Study of the Physical Form of Cities' (translated to Persian), a textbook on urban morphology taught by the author in courses in 10 universities in Portugal, Brazil, Spain, and China - the most recent in Zhejiang University. In the last three years he has published 'Teaching Urban Morphology' and 'JWR Whitehand and the Historico-Geographical Approach to Urban Morphology'. His new book, 'Morphological Research in Planning, Urban Design and Architecture', has just been published.