Tanzer Kantık

Sustainable Transportation Projects Coordinator, İSPARK

Tanzer Kantık was born in 1977. Tanzer Kantık graduated from İzmir Dokuz Eylul University Fine Arts Faculty-Sculpture Department. He also attended master of arts classes after graduation. Throughout his career Tanzer worked mostly as industrial designer enriched with his art background, creating 3D wall ceramic tiles, playgrounds and urban furniture. He also had experience of designing packaging, interior and several out and indoor work. With his distinctive efforts, he was nominated and won numerous awards in art and design fields at valuable competitions. Besides his professional career, Tanzer has extra curricular activities for several NGOs. Serving for civil society, he was the Chairman and founder of “Bicycle Transportation Association (BİSUDER)”, and the Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Yaya Derneği (Pedestrian Association). He also works as columnist for different newspapers and magazins for the last 10 years. His articles are published in Cyclist Turkey, Evrim Ağacı, Sanatatak, Birgün, Yeşil Gazete, İzGazete and CityFixTurkey. Since the beginning of 2020 Tanzer is working for İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality’s different departments as Sustainable Transportation Projects Coordinator and consultant responsible from different projects.