Özgür Arun
Assoc. Prof., Chair, Senex Association for Aging Studies
Arun was born in a small village in Anatolia, Turkey in 1977 and educated at Middle East Technical University (SOC’01). After graduating from METU in 2001, he moved to Berlin, Germany, continuing his research through 2002. After returning he filled an academic position at the Department of Sociology, Middle East Technical University (2004- 2011), during which time he completed an MA and PhD. Arun is currently a full-time faculty member in the Department of Gerontology and he has recently been appointed Assoc. Director of the Mediterranean Civilisation Research Institute at Akdeniz University. He has conducted research on higher education, rural development, income and welfare, youth and unemployment, child labour, and disability. His most recent research and writings are on aging, intergenerational relationships, culture, class and taste. Arun is on the Editorial Board of The Gerontologist. Recently, he is the recipient of the 2017 “Rising Star” award by the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE). He is the co-founder of Senex | Association for Aging Studies.