Johannes Müller
Dr., Scientist, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Johannes Müller, born in 1987, received his diploma degree in Mathematics and Applied Statistics from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. His research interest during his time as PhD (2012-2016) at the Bundeswehr University Munich was on the prediction of bookings of free-floating (electric) carsharing systems with case studies in Berlin and Munich. Getting also interested in questions of urban planning, he joined the Big Data Informed Urban Design and Governance team at ETH Zurich’s Future Cities Laboratory in Singapore from 2016-2019 as post-doctoral researcher. In the newly developed field of citizen design science, he organized several citizen participation projects and experiments in collaboration with URA Singapore and other non-governmental organizations. Since 2019, he has been working at AIT’s Center for Mobility Systems and Center for Energy on the development of a MATSim model for Vienna and the assessment of impacts of Superblocks and other traffic calming measures.