Hüseyin Can Ünen
Dr., Board Member, Yer Çizenler Mapping for Everyone Association
Hüseyin Can Ünen, Ph.D. worked as a research assistant at ITU Geomatics Engineering Department between 2005-2013, as an assistant professor at T.C. Maltepe University Civil Engineering Dept. between 2013-2019. He is currently a member of the academic staff at MEF University Civil Engineering Dept. since 2020. Between 2008 and 2009 he visited the Mid-america Earthquake Center within the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) as a research scholar to participate in FEMA and NSF-funded projects. Expertise and intersts include geographic information systems (GIS), volunteered geographic information (VGI), crowdsourced systems and disaster management. He was among the founding members of Yer Çizenler Mapping for Everyone Association in 2017 and is a board member since 2018. Between 2018 and 2021 he had been a project manager with the Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team, an international NGO and is a voting member since 2020.