Gülüstü Salur
Dr., Founder & Board Member, 65+ Elder Rights Association
Graduated from Istanbul Uni. Medical School. Completed specialization in the Department of Neurology of IU Medical School followed by further specialization in behavioral neurology and movement disorders. Undertook further studies under Prof Marsel Mesulam at Northwestern University, Chicago, as a post-doc and research associate between 1998 and 2002. Has had her own private practice since 2003, specializing in cognitive neurology, dementia and movement disorders. Has been teaching part time at Bogazici University Department of Psychology. A member of the study group on the standardization of neuropsychological tests in Turkish. Works on the digitalization of screening tests and assessment tools. Colloborates with ITU CMPE department on developing mobile tools for neuropsych assessment. Co-founder of the pervasive health research group HealthWare along with computer engineers from Bogazici University, conducting cognitive and movement disorders research with wearable devices. Working on the front lines of clinical services for elders, founded the 65+ Elder Rights Association of Turkey along with others dedicated to elder issues and continues to lead development and implementation of educational programs to raise awareness and improve quality of life for elders. The current focus of the educational programs are healthy and active living, importance of exercise, preventive measures, fighting loneliness, legal issues specific to elderly, financial planning and financial literacy for elderly, second careers, aging in place in aging friendly houses and cities, digital literacy/inclusion for the elderly , intergenerational support and preparing for aging.