Ferhan Gezici
Prof., Urban and Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University
Ferhan Gezici is Professor at Urban and Regional Planning Department, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. She has been the coordinator of Regional Planning Master Program of ITU. She studied at Regional Economics Applications Laboratory of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as visiting scholar in 2001-2002. She visited ECONRES of Madrid Autonoma University and RegioLab of Oviedo University in Spain as three mounts fellow in 2016. She has involved and conducted several research projects related to urban-regional development and tourism. She has been involved in two main strategic- master plan processes in Turkey (Istanbul and Bursa) as the expert/advisor. Currently, she has been one of the advisors of Vision 2050 Office of Istanbul Planning Agency. She has been Editorial Board Member of the journals: Planning; Review of Urban and Regional Studies, Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning and Istanbul Journal of Istanbul Planning Agency. She served in the executive committee of Turkish Section of Regional Science Association for years and she is currently country representative of Association of European Planning Schools. Her research interests are regional development and disparities, regional policies, economic geography and tourism studies.