Ayşe Ege Yıldırım
Dr., Owner, Ayşe Ege Yıldırım Conservation Planning
Dr. A. Ege Yıldırım is an urban planner and heritage conservation and management specialist with close to 25 years in Turkey and internationally. 1998 Middle East Technical University (METU) Bachelor in City and Regional Planning, 1998 METU Architectural Conservation Minor, 2000 University of York Master of Arts in Building Conservation, 2012 Ankara University PhD in Social Environmental Sciences. Fulbright Visiting Researcher 2006-07 New York Pratt Institute, 2013-14 Koç University AnaMed J.M. Kaplan Fellow for Archaeological Site Management. Worked as conservation planner, 2000-06 KA-BA Conservation- Architecture Ltd, 2008-12 Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage (ADACH/ TCA Abu Dhabi). Based in Istanbul as independent consultant since 2014. In this context, was Heritage Site Manager of the Historic Guild Town of Mudurnu, ICOMOS Focal Point for the Sustainable Development Goals, consultant to İstanbul Metropolitan, İzmir Metropolitan, Mannheim Municipalities and to United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), part-time lecturer in METU and Yıldız Technical University, Our World Heritage initiative Sustainability coordinator, Europa Nostra Turkey Board member. In 2021 she set up Terra Mudurnu Culture, Tourism and Real Estate Inc.. she is the editor of the book ‘Bengüboz: Mudurnu in the Early Republican Period through the Lens of Ahmet İzzet Bengüboz’ and the author of many book chapters and articles. Yıldırım is also involved in visual and performing arts, and has participated in various exhibitions in Ankara and İstanbul. See also: www.aegeyildirim.com.